• Joint Pain Treatment

    Joint discomfort is common and usually felt in the hands, feet, hips, knees, or spine. Pain may be constant or it can come and go. Sometimes the joint can feel stiff, achy, or sore. Some patients complain of a burning, throbbing, or “grating” sensation. In addition, the joint may feel stiff in the morning but loosen up and feel better with movement and activity. However, too much activity could make the pain worse.

    Joint pain may affect the function of the joint, and can limit a person’s ability to do basic tasks. Severe joint pain can affect the quality of life. Treatment should focus not only on pain but also on the affected activities and functions.

    Symptoms of joint pain :

    Symptoms of joint pain range from mild to disabling. Without cartilage, bones rub directly against each other as the joint moves. Symptoms can include:

    • Swelling
    • Stiff or enlarged joint
    • Numbness
    • Noisy joints, or clicking, grinding, or snapping sounds when moving the joint
    • Painful movement
    • Difficulty bending or straightening the joint
    • Loss of motion
    • A red and hot and swollen joint 

    Sciatica Pain Treatment By Neurotherapy

    Due to excess workload and stress, Sciatica pain has become very well known among the young generation. Sciatica pain is a symptom which generally appears in old age. But due to excess workload, the young generation is also equally affected with this symptom. Sciatica pain generally started with numbing of the lower back and travels to the knees. Excess pain can lead to operations too.

    So far, sciatica pain was only treated with high dose medications and pain killers. But intake of medicines also rise symptoms of several other health conditions. Hence, to cure Sciatica pain with any side effects, modern health science has come with Sciatica Pain Treatment by Neurotherapy, Neurotherapy is a concept which is used to cure various medical problems without any medication.

    In India, the outcome of Neurotherapy science came late in but with more than a decade of treatment, Neurotherapy treatment for Sciatica Pain has become very popular. Neurotherapy health center, a trusted health care center in Amritsar provides affordable sciatica pain treatment.