
The term migraine is derived from the Greek word “hemikrania”. This term was corrupted into low Latin as hemigranea, which eventually was accepted by the French translation as migraine.

Migraine headache is a complex, recurrent headache disorder that is one of the most common complaints in medicine. In the United States, more than 30 million people have 1 or more migraine headaches per year. Approximately 75% of all persons who experience migraines are women.


Migraine Symptoms include a severe headache that occurs usually on one side of the head but sometimes can be on both sides of the head but it is very rare. There is a vast difference between the ordinary headache and migraine. Other migraine symptoms include a sensitivity to light, vomiting, nausea and sensitivity towards any kind of sound.

A person suffering from migraines will always like to relax in the dark and quiet place and most of the times relief can be obtained only when vomiting takes place. It is a recurring condition which has no fixed timings or periods but can occur even in sleep.