Frozen Shoulder Treatment

Combating Frozen Shoulder With Neurotherapy

Frozen shoulder is one of the most common conditions which affect the muscles and tissues around the joint area of the shoulder and results in inflammation of them. It generally weakens the motility around the region and can cause and stiffness in the affected area.

The healing procedure using anti-inflammatory drugs can be quite time conservative and therefore the best method of non-surgical treatment would include Frozen Shoulder Treatment by Neurotherapy.

The salient features of Frozen Shoulder Treatment by Neurotherapy include the following.

An effective physical therapy with a combination of necessary anti-inflammatory drugs for optimum results is the key to restoration of motility in the affected region to the fullest possible extent by betterment of symptoms and eradication of pain and stiffness. In addition to that it also implements the elimination of chronic pain which can limit movement in the affected area thus rendering a better scope of recovery within a shorter period of time.

Frozen Shoulder Treatment by Neurotherapy allows the patient to recover within a period of 6 months to 1.5 years compared to the normal recovery period which can stretch for as long as 3 years.