• Cramps Treatment

    Muscle cramps are sudden, involuntary contractions that occur in various muscles. These contractions are often painful and can affect different muscle groups.

    Commonly affected muscles include those in the back of your lower leg, the back of your thigh, and the front of your thigh.

    You may also experience cramps in your:

    • abdominal wall
    • arms
    • hands
    • feet

    The intense pain of a cramp can awaken you at night or make it difficult to walk.

    Causes of muscle cramps

    Muscle cramps have several causes. Some cramps result from overuse of your muscles. This typically occurs while you’re exercising.

    Muscle injuries and dehydration can also trigger cramps. Dehydration is the excessive loss of fluids in the body.

    Low levels of any of the following minerals that contribute to healthy muscle function may also cause muscle cramps:

    • calcium
    • potassium
    • sodium
    • magnesium

    Low blood supply to your legs and feet can cause cramping in those areas when you exercise, walk, or participate in physical activities.

    In some cases, a medical condition can cause muscle cramps. These conditions include:

    • spinal nerve compression, which can cause muscle cramps in your legs when walking or standing
    • alcoholism
    • pregnancy
    • kidney failure
    • hypothyroidism, or low thyroid gland function

    Other times, the cause of muscle cramps is unknown.

  • Joint Pain Treatment

    Joint discomfort is common and usually felt in the hands, feet, hips, knees, or spine. Pain may be constant or it can come and go. Sometimes the joint can feel stiff, achy, or sore. Some patients complain of a burning, throbbing, or “grating” sensation. In addition, the joint may feel stiff in the morning but loosen up and feel better with movement and activity. However, too much activity could make the pain worse.

    Joint pain may affect the function of the joint, and can limit a person’s ability to do basic tasks. Severe joint pain can affect the quality of life. Treatment should focus not only on pain but also on the affected activities and functions.

    Symptoms of joint pain :

    Symptoms of joint pain range from mild to disabling. Without cartilage, bones rub directly against each other as the joint moves. Symptoms can include:

    • Swelling
    • Stiff or enlarged joint
    • Numbness
    • Noisy joints, or clicking, grinding, or snapping sounds when moving the joint
    • Painful movement
    • Difficulty bending or straightening the joint
    • Loss of motion
    • A red and hot and swollen joint 

    Treat Cervical Spondylosis With Neurotherapy

    The neck or the cervical spine has important bones which balances our whole body. It supports the head and helps it to move and it controls our lower body as well such the bladder, legs, bowels and arms. Cervical Spondylosis is the condition where you get neck arthritis. It gets difficult to move your neck and other problems follow. It is best to diagnose this health problem when you see the first signs. Life is too short for endless health problems. Now the good news is that there is an effective Cervical Spondylosis Treatment by Neurotherapy.

    Neurotherapy Health care Amritsar by Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra is the best when it comes to Cervical Spondylosis Treatment by Neurotherapy. The healthcare centre has trained and experienced doctors. They are the best when it comes to Neurotherapy. The healthcare centre believes that Neurotherapy has a cure for everything. It is the most effective and pain free way of treating Cervical Spondylosis.


    Sciatica Pain Treatment By Neurotherapy

    Due to excess workload and stress, Sciatica pain has become very well known among the young generation. Sciatica pain is a symptom which generally appears in old age. But due to excess workload, the young generation is also equally affected with this symptom. Sciatica pain generally started with numbing of the lower back and travels to the knees. Excess pain can lead to operations too.

    So far, sciatica pain was only treated with high dose medications and pain killers. But intake of medicines also rise symptoms of several other health conditions. Hence, to cure Sciatica pain with any side effects, modern health science has come with Sciatica Pain Treatment by Neurotherapy, Neurotherapy is a concept which is used to cure various medical problems without any medication.

    In India, the outcome of Neurotherapy science came late in but with more than a decade of treatment, Neurotherapy treatment for Sciatica Pain has become very popular. Neurotherapy health center, a trusted health care center in Amritsar provides affordable sciatica pain treatment.

  • Vertigo Treatment

    Looking for the best quality and effective Vertigo Problem Treatment in India? Vertigo is gradually becoming a very popular problem among many people lately. Vertigo usually develops over many years, and it has an effect on nearly everyone. Luckily, vertigo pressure can be easily detected. And once you know you have vertigo, you can work with your neurotherapy doctor to manage it.

    The neurotherapy health specialist Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra is well known by people who have been cured by him for their Vertigo Problem Treatment By Neurotherapy. His work has provided a sign of hope to all the vertigo patients that come to him. Neurotherapy Health Care offers the best treatment to their vertigo patients. This is done without the help of any medicines and the treatment reduces the symptoms of the vertigo after the treatment is completed. If you are or someone near and dear to you is suffering from vertogo then you should definitely visit them as they offer the best vertigo Problem Treatment Using

  • Down Syndrome / Mongolism Treatment

    Understanding The Symptoms Of Down Syndrome/Mongolism Prior To Treatment

    Down Syndrome/Mongolism is among the dreaded medical conditions which has been evident for a very long period of time. While conservative methods of treatment for this medical condition are available, Down Syndrome/Mongolism treatment by Neurotherapy is among the modern methodologies that can render better results.

    Prior to Neurotherapy treatment for Down Syndrome/Mongolism, it is necessary to have a better understanding of the symptoms related to the medical condition.

    The symptoms include decreased and poor muscle growth with an under-nourished physical appearance. It is also characterised by short neck with a protruding and excess skin from the curvature around the neck, especially from the back region of the neck, a flattened facial appearance along with a flattened nose and underdeveloped sexual organs. The slanting eyes with an upward appearance along with skinfolds that tend to cover the inner corner of the eye rendering a typical “Mongol” type appearance.

    Neurotherapy treatment for Down Syndrome/Mongolism can have the most staggering results since it aids in better blood flow to the weakened regions which can efficiently make the symptoms better.

  • Hormonal Imbalance Treatment

    Neurotherapist Clinic presents patients with hormonal imbalance best quality and effective treatment in IndiaHormonal imbalance is becoming a very popular problem among many women their 40ties women as well as young women. Hormonal imbalance usually starts gradually and increases over many years. Fortunately, Calf muscles pain pressure can be easily detected as there are many mood swings and other issues like acne and more in women. And once you know you have Hormonal imbalance, you can work with your neurotherapy doctor to manage it.

    The neurotherapy health specialist Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra is renowned by people who have been cured by him for their Hormonal imbalance Treatment in Amritsar. His work has provided hope to all the Hormonal imbalance patients that come to him. Neurotherapist Clinic offers the best treatment to their Hormonal imbalance patients.

    Best part about therapy is that this is done without the help of any sort of medication. Moreover the treatment decreases the balance of the hormones after the treatment is fully done. If you are or someone near and dear to you is suffering from Hormonal imbalance then you should absolutely visit them as they offer affordable and best Hormonal imbalance Treatment Using Neurotherapy.

  • Writer’S Cramp Treatment

    Effective Treatment For Writer’s Cramp Pain

    Writer’s cramp is a task-specific muscle pain that occurs in the wrist of the hand. It is also known as focal dystonia or mogigraphia. It occurs suddenly, especially to people who are involved with writing and painting. The Early state of writer’s cramp is not harmful. However if it is not treated in time, the pain can become uncurable and long lasting.

    Most healthcare centers treat Writer’s cramp with high doses of injections and pain killer. But it only deteriorates the pain and gives rise to a number of other health issues. Modern healthcare science offers Writer’s cramp treatment by Neurotherapy. This treatment does not involve any kind of injections or medications. Hence treating writer’s cramp by Neurotherapy is an easy and effective way of treatment.

    Neurotherapist Clinic in Amritsar offers writer’s cramp treatment by Neurotherapy. It is an affordable treatment and has shown some effective results in past.

  • Bronchitis Treatment

    Do you have trouble breathing? Do you get thick mucus every time you cough? It could be Bronchitis! Bronchitis is a health condition which should not be ignored. If you have Bronchitis problem, you should be finding out ways to treat it. This problem gets worse as you start getting old. Doctors usually charge a lot from Bronchitis patients but the end results are usually not at par. These days many people are talking about trying Neurotherapy for Bronchitis? Bronchitis Treatment using Neurotherapy is effectual and it does not impose any pain to the Bronchitis patient.

    Neurotherapist Clinic presents Bronchitis treatment by Neurotherapy which aids you in curing the Bronchitis problem in just few sittings. If you want a treatment for your Bronchitis problem, you should check with with the qualified doctors at Neurotherapy Healthcare. Best part is you are not needed to take any medicines. Neurotherapy can help you to unwind your entire body and it has never-ending benefits for your overall health. It is the best solution for Bronchitis patients who are wondering to find a solution for their problem.

  • Hypoxia Treatment

    Hypothyroid Treatment By Neurotherapy

    Hypothyroid symptom is a major setback of the thyroid gland in our body. It can be termed as one of the worst diseases can occur in an individual. Hypothyroid is hereditarily transferable disease and can affect individual of all age group. The worst part is, it accumulates unwanted fat in your body thus making you appear fatter and fatter by every passing day.

    Treating hypothyroid as soon as is detected is very important. However, hypothyroid is a disease which makes you intake medicines all through your life. Sometimes injections and surgeries are also accompanied with the medications. Moreover taking medicines for a long time can cause several other health issues like irritation, overweight, kidney damage etc.

    Hypothyroid Treatment by Neurotherapy became popular last decade when people suffering from hypothyroid symptoms observed immense positive results due to Neurotherapy treatment. In India, Hypothyroid Treatment by Neurotherapy is offered by Neurotherapy health care center in Amritsar. With a decade of experience, the healthcare center has emerged as the wish land for many hypothyroid affected patients.