• Parkinson Treatment

    Helping Patients With Parkinson’s Disorder Through Neurotherapy

    Parkinson’s disease is necessarily a brain disorder which can surface through a series of symptoms. They include head tremors, shaking hands and fingers and inability to provide for proper expressions on the face similar to numbness on the face.

    Parkinsons Treatment by Neurotherapy helps to combat these symptoms and also plays a significant role in making the symptoms better. Being a brain disorder, it is necessary that the normal functioning of the brain can be restored.

    Parkinsons Treatment by Neurotherapy helps to affect the functioning of the brain in a positive way by infusing proper blood flow to the various lobes of the brain. It affects the affected brainwave pattern through modern technological and thus allows the condition to be treated properly.

    Parkinsons Treatment by Neurotherapy is free from any type of side effects and can render proper results in almost all type of patients within a generous time period. It ensures proper recovery such that a relapse of the condition can be avoided.

  • Frozen Shoulder Treatment

    Combating Frozen Shoulder With Neurotherapy

    Frozen shoulder is one of the most common conditions which affect the muscles and tissues around the joint area of the shoulder and results in inflammation of them. It generally weakens the motility around the region and can cause and stiffness in the affected area.

    The healing procedure using anti-inflammatory drugs can be quite time conservative and therefore the best method of non-surgical treatment would include Frozen Shoulder Treatment by Neurotherapy.

    The salient features of Frozen Shoulder Treatment by Neurotherapy include the following.

    An effective physical therapy with a combination of necessary anti-inflammatory drugs for optimum results is the key to restoration of motility in the affected region to the fullest possible extent by betterment of symptoms and eradication of pain and stiffness. In addition to that it also implements the elimination of chronic pain which can limit movement in the affected area thus rendering a better scope of recovery within a shorter period of time.

    Frozen Shoulder Treatment by Neurotherapy allows the patient to recover within a period of 6 months to 1.5 years compared to the normal recovery period which can stretch for as long as 3 years.

  • Arthritis Treatment

    Neurotherapy – The Best Treatment for Arthritis

    Do you have trouble walking for long? Do your legs and knees hurt most of the time? It could be arthritis! Arthritis is a health condition which should not be ignored. If you have arthritis problem, you should be finding out ways to cure it. This condition gets worse as you start ageing. Doctors usually charge a lot from arthritis patients but the end results are not as good. How about trying Neurotherapy for arthritis? Arthritis Treatment using Neurotherapy is effective and it does not inflict any pain to the arthritis patient.

    Neurotherapist Clinic offers Arthritis treatment by Neurotherapy which helps you to cure the arthritis problem in just few sittings. If you want a solution to your arthritis problem, you should consult with the experienced doctors at Neurotherapy Healthcare. You are not required to take any medicines. Neurotherapy will help you to relax your entire body and it has endless benefits for overall health. It is the best solution for arthritis patients who are looking for a solution for their health condition.

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment

    The Best Cure For Ankylosing Spondylitis  

    Are you having spine problems lately? It could be Ankylosing Spondylitis. It is basically the arthritis of the spine. It sounds painful and it is actually very uncomfortable to live with. We believe that spine problems should not continue for your entire life because as you get older, you will realize that you will end up bed ridden. Nobody wants to live like that! There is a cure for Ankylosing Spondylitis. There is Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment using Neurotherapy and it is the best cure for your problem.

    Neurotherapist Clinic by Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra provides Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment by NeurotherapyIt is the best healthcare centre for curing most diseases and disorders. The services provided by Neurotherapy Healthcare do not include medicines or tools. The doctors are trained and it is the best place to treat your bamboo spine or ankylosing spondylitis. Put an end to your spine problems by paying a visit to Neurotherapist Clinic. 

  • Muscular Dystrophy Treatment

    Understanding Muscular Dystrophy And Combating It Using Neurotherapy

    Muscular Dystrophy is a neurological condition which affects the functioning of the muscles and the capability of the muscles in the human body to perform up to the limits. If the condition is not diagnosed in due time, the symptoms can worsen and have serious effects as well.

    Muscular Dystrophy Treatment by Neurotherapy is aimed towards providing the necessary treatment to the patient depending upon the type of MD that their symptoms exhibit.

    The common symptoms of the neurological disorder include difficulty in walking, difficulty in standing up and difficulty in daily activities including running or climbing stairs as well. The condition generally affects children from 1 to 3 years of age and therefore Muscular Dystrophy Treatment by Neurotherapy can help make the symptoms better if treated earlier.

    It would be a wise idea to go for Muscular Dystrophy Treatment by Neurotherapy since it is free from any form of medication which can later cause side effects. It is completely natural and results are guaranteed.

  • Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

    Recovery From MS Through Neuropathy

    Multiple Sclerosis necessarily affects the nervous system of an individual. It is generally concerned with the inability of the motor neurons to transmit nerve impulses since the nerve endings have been damaged.

    In such a case, medication can do very little to no benefit and thus Multiple Sclerosis Treatment by Neurotherapy is a fundamental aspect into proper recovery. The treatment helps to reduce any further damage to the myelin sheath which helps transmit the nerve impulses.

    Multiple Sclerosis Treatment by Neurotherapy is free from any sort of invasive procedures and intense medication which further helps to eliminate chances of any side effects. Modern day medication for nervous problems can be pretty intense and cause serious health issues in the long run.

    Multiple Sclerosis Treatment by Neurotherapy also helps to protect the immune system from further damaging the myelin sheath which is the protective covering over the axon filaments. It is a very important step towards ensuring proper recovery from Multiple Sclerosis.

  • Motor Neuron Treatment

    Activating Your Motor Neurons Through Neurotherapy

    Motor neuron ailments can be designated as a degenerative ailment of the motor neurons which is presently incurable with medication. Though the medication available can surely aid to control and slow down the progression of the symptoms, rendering complete restoration of motor abilities is far from reality.

    In this case Motor Neuron Treatment by Neurotherapy can be a greater asset since it helps to activate the motor neurons that have been affected and bring back normal motility. Motor neuron ailments are necessarily of three types, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Progressive Bulbar Palsy and Progressive Muscular Atrophy.

    Tracing the symptoms in early stages is important since it helps to restrict the progression of the neurological ailment to absolutely incurable extents. Motor Neuron Treatment by Neurotherapy helps to control the symptoms in each case and restrict the ailment from rapid progression.

    Motor Neuron Treatment by Neurotherapy does not necessarily guarantee complete regeneration of the neuron capabilities, but it helps them to recover beyond conventional limits which can be achieved through medication.

  • Mental Retardation Treatment

    The Advent Of Neurotherapy To Eradicate Mental Retardation

    Mental retardation is necessarily not a disease since it is more of a neurological disorder which can be treated without the invasion of medicine. Mental Retardation Treatment by Neurotherapy is the necessary aid which gives the patient new hopes to a normal life.

    The treatment is aimed towards the activation of every element in the central nervous system and rendering a positive start to motor reflexes and neurons. Through Mental Retardation Treatment by Neurotherapy the patient can expect to recover from the situation since it helps to activate the exocrine and endocrine glands of the body and simultaneously enhance brain activity as well.

    There is no dedicated medication for mental retardation and often the patient is made to go through treacherous regimes under vigilance in mental asylums. Often the results are not guaranteed owing to which Mental Retardation Treatment by Neurotherapy should be taken into consideration. It is free from any such tantrums since it helps to enhance the tormented state of mind instead of making things worse.

  • Ovarian Cyst Treatment

    Do you have abdominal bloating or swelling? Do you pain the lower back or thighs? It could be an Ovarian Cyst! Ovarian Cyst is a health condition in women which should never be ignored. If you have Ovarian Cyst problem, you should be finding out ways to treat it. This problem gets worse as you start getting old. Doctors usually charge a lot from Ovarian Cyst patients but the end results are usually not at par. These days many people are talking about trying Neurotherapy for Ovarian Cyst. 

    Ovarian Cyst Treatment using Neurotherapy is effectual and it does not impose any pain to the Ovarian Cyst patient. Neurotherapist Clinic offers Ovarian Cyst treatment by Neurotherapy which aids you in curing the Ovarian Cyst problem in just few sittings. If you want a treatment for your Ovarian Cyst problem, you should check with the qualified doctors at Neurotherapy Healthcare. Best part is you are not needed to take any medicines. Neurotherapy can help you to unwind your entire body and it has never-ending benefits for your overall health. It is the best solution for Ovarian Cyst patients who are wondering to find a solution for their problem.

  • Obesity Treatment

    Are you feeling that you have a gained a lot of weight lately and you are looking for a treatment but don’t want to try medicines? Neurotherapy Health Care presents patients with obesity problem top quality and highly effective treatment in IndiaObesity problem is becoming a very popular problem among many people due to the food habits as well as genes. Obesity problem usually starts little by little and increases over many years. Fortunately, obesity problem can be easily detected as there is a huge gap between the height and the weight. And once you know you have obesity problem, you can work with your neurotherapy doctor to manage it.

    The neurotherapy health specialist Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra is well-known by people who have been cured by him for their obesity problem Treatment in Amritsar. His work has provided hope to all the obesity problem patients that come to him. The best part about therapy is that this is done without the help of any sort of medication. Furthermore the treatment decreases the weight of the person after the treatment is fully done. If you are or someone near and dear to you is suffering from obesity then you should absolutely visit them as they offer affordable and best Obesity Problem Treatment Using Neurotherapy.