• Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food


    Hipocrates quote

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam egestas sagittis scelerisque. Nulla lacinia ullamcorper hendrerit. Aenean non massa a arcu varius blandit. Mauris eget semper nibh, et ultrices ligula.

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  • Neurotherapy is a veritable break-through in the world of healing!

    Though the therapy is a panacea for most disorders plaguing mankind, it is highly effective in treating special children – who are mentally and/or physically challenged, bringing about a substantial improvement in the quality of their life. Neurotherapy is an alternative way of healing; it has shown some very good results in case of mentally retarded children. The main philosophy behind this science is that the flow of blood is directed towards particularly weaker organs, thereby rejuvenating the organ over a period of time.

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    Ramesh kumar is well trained neurotherapist from LMNT Neurotherapy academy Mumbai. He has extensive experience in Neurotherapy. He is well trained to manage All kind of chronic diseases without medicines and has various Neurotherapy techniques to treat the critical illness in natural way and has proven miraculous results on hundreds of patients. Neurotherapy is an ancient Indian rehabilitative therapy based on the vedic principles & philosophy. This natural healing therapy deals with nerves, muscles, joints and blood & lymphatic channels.

    Neurotherapy is a complete system of healing, incorporating mechanical, psychological, bio-force, and biochemical aspects. It discovers the root cause of the disease and treats the same in an integrated manner. The disorder of the bodily organs causes an imbalance in the biochemical forces leading to the development of diseases. The therapist activates or deactivates the organ(s), through pressure or massage on the nerve channels to stimulate or depress the blood, & other body fluids and the nerve currents so as to restoring the balance and harmony of the body thus helping the body regain its equilibrium. If you or someone you love is affected by chronic illness, or if you are seeking a program to maintain health, you have come to the right place.

  • About Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra

    Dr. Lajpatrai Mehra, was born in a highly respected family of Amritsar, as the 7th offspring of Sri. Ramgopal Mehra and Smt. Kesara Devi, on 23rd August 1932. A living legend of his times, he is renowned for developing a novel technique (LMNT) of curing the masses without recourse to medicines, and for his selfless and dedicated service to humanity.

    At the tender age of 11, he was afflicted with a severe stomach ache, which lasted for several months, which could not be relieved with the best of medical help available at the time. By providence, he met an old man who asked him to lie face down; and cured him almost instantly, by a simple native technique of ‘setting the navel’ by manipulating his hands and legs in a special fashion.

    Helping others came naturally to Lajpatrai. Unlike other children of his age, he did not allow the incident to pass by. Instead, he constantly meditated upon the miracle wrought in his body by the seemingly crude technique and longed to relieve others of similar pains.

    Ancient Indian texts refer to the navel as being the epicenter of the entire body. Disturbances in the position of the navel in relation to other parts of the abdomen, is the main cause for digestive disorders.

    Even though the old man did not teach him the exact technique, the innovative Lajpatrai, recollected that the process exerted pressure on certain points of his body. His mother often used to suffer from stomach aches. With her as a willing subject, he devised a novel method of using his feet to produce a similar effect, to relieve her of her pains. When he had perfected the technique, he started treating others in his neighborhood. Soon hordes of people, suffering from constipation, dysentery and other abdominal disorders, from nearby and distant areas, would line up in front of his father’s home, whom he treated with his newly-founded technique, with great success.